Community Health Plan of Washington Individual and Family Cascade Select Plans Community Health Plan of Washington Individual and Family Cascade Select Plans

Find a clinic or provider near you

Search for doctors, specialists, clinics and more in the CHPW Individual & Family network.

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Find a clinic or provider near you

Search for doctors, specialists, clinics and more in the CHPW Individual & Family network.

Find a provider

  • Need help now?

    If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911.

    If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, call 988.

    Sick or need care right away? Our Nurse Advice Line is available 24/7. Call 1-866-418-2920.

Search for a provider online

Find a Doctor near you.

Find a doctor

Get the most out of your CHPW Individual & Family plan when you choose in-network providers. Search for your local care team here.

Looking for American Indian or Alaska Native providers? See our tribal healthcare page for all options.

Find care

Find a specialist

Behavioral Health, Women’s Health, diabetes, and more. Nothing in-network near you? Request a referral from your CHPW primary care provider.

Eye provider

Get care online

Get care from wherever you are, by video chat or over the phone.

Our team at Community Health Plan of Washington is here to support your whole health.

Call us if you have questions, need help getting care or scheduling an appointment.

Call us at 1-866-907-1906 (TTY: 711)

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Monday through Friday

Find your new primary care provider

Choose your new CHPW primary care provider (PCP) to start getting care or we can assign one to you. If you do not choose a PCP, we will assign one to you.

+ See how step-by-step
  1. Online, go to myCHPW’s Search for a CHPW Provider
  2. Under “Zip/City/County” enter your zip code, city or county.
  3. Under “Provider Type”, choose the type you need.
  4. Click the box next to “Primary Care Provider” and “Accepting new patients”
  5. Looking for a provider near you? Use the ‘Search Within’ filter and adjust the miles.
  6. Click “Advanced Filters”.
  7. Under Advanced Filters choose your preferences: provider gender, clinic name, spoken language and other criteria.
  8. Click “Search”.
  9. To start over, click “Clear”

Check if a provider is in-network

CHPW has thousands of in-network providers to choose from. Check if your doctor is in-network to make sure your care is covered.

+ See how step-by-step
  1. Online, go to myCHPW’s Search for a CHPW Provider
  2. Under “Zip/City/County” enter your zip code, city or county.
  3. Under “Provide Type”, click the type you need.
  4. Click “Advanced Filter Options”. Enter the provider’s first and last name or your clinic name.
  5. Click “Search”

Local care built for you

Find a Doctor near you.

Calculate treatment costs

Use your myCHPW account to see what you’ll pay, browse provider reviews, and give feedback.

Find care

Quality, local, community care.

You’ll find in-network, Community Health Centers (CHCs) and clinics all over WA.

Eye provider

Meet your health team

Get to know the CHPW Health team, here to help you identify and meet your health goals.

Our Directories

View a full list of our in-network providers, specialists, pharmacies and emergency care locations in our Provider Directories.

Emergency care directory

Our in-network Hospitals for Cascade Select may staff their Emergency Room through a group of out-of-network emergency care practitioners.

To ensure your benefits cover Emergency Care services with minimal cost share under your benefit plan, please refer to the Emergency Care Directory identifying in-network status of Emergency Room provider groups at our in-network Hospitals.

Need help scheduling an appointment?

It can be hard to find the right in-network specialist. Our team can talk through your needs and help you find the right provider or schedule an appointment. If you have questions about the Provider or Emergency directories, or would like a hard copy mailed to you, please contact Customer Service at 1-866-907-1906 (TTY: 711), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Sales Team

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from real people

Phone: 1-833-993-0181
Email: [email protected]

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